Tags: solar, 1-2 phone charges
The Classic emergency solar phone charger, (up to two full charges for an Iphone), is plug and play, plug in your device and it will charge automatically. As with all our other products, it has four different methods of re-charging its battery, with the supplied usb lead for mains/car/PC/Laptop and of course solar trickle charge.
The Classic solar phone charger comes in a choice of two colors, black or white. It can be left in a windowsill (although the glass cuts down the uv light considerably) and used as and when needed as a backup emergency charger. This portable mobile solar charger comes with 5 inter-changeable tips : Mini usb (Motorola etc) Micro usb (Blackberry etc) Apple (ipod, iphone etc) Nokia 6101 (thin) Samsung G600.